Heat map

Destination Earth Adaptation Modelling Framework for Heat Stress Exposure 

TECNALIA* research organisation will use Destination Earth’s Climate Adaptation digital twin (Climate DT) to develop an interactive tool supporting decision-makers in the assessment of different

Disaster Risk Mitigation & Climate Adaptation

This DestinE Use Case provides an opportunity to obtain higher-resolution meteorological forecasts and climate projections contributing towards keeping people safe from flooding, now and for the future. 


The Harvester Seasons service for forestry, a web based service, developed by Finnish Meteorological Institute FMI, will provide a Destination Earth Use Case with new high-resolution maps for forest trafficability over Europe.

Air Quality

Weather events like heat waves or droughts are frequently accompanied by severe air pollution. In this context, the DestinE air quality use case develops an interactive air quality forecasting analysis system to assess the population exposure.

Urban Heat Island Effect

This use case intends to provide high-resolution urban heat maps for cities across Europe to underpin and motivate urban climate adaptation measures that are being developed.

Energy Systems

To make power system resilient to meteorological events happening on short time scales and climate change, this use case intends to improve energy system modelling for grid planning and resources adequacy assessment.