The second Destination Earth User eXchange meeting will be hosted by ECMWF in Bonn, Germany on 13 and 14 November. Registrations to attend onsite are open until 22 October 2023 via the Destination Earth website.
The User eXchange events, co-organised by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), and the European Space Agency (ESA) are designed as an open forum for stakeholders, partners and future users.
During the two-day exchange, participants will be updated by the three entities entrusted with the development of DestinE and partners already onboard about the progress of the initiative and the opportunities to get involved.
The first DestinE uUser eXchange meeting in Frascati, Italy, attracted over 400 participants online and onsite, gathering interested parties, partners, members of industry and academia in a rich and fruitful forum helping build the DestinE community.
Participation is free-of-charge and open to all interested parties, but on-site capacity is limited – so register early to secure your place.
Registration, preliminary programme and other details are available on the Destination Earth website.
Destination Earth is a European Union-funded initiative launched in 2022, with the aim to build a digital replica of the Earth system by 2030. The initiative is being jointly implemented under the leadership of DG CNECT by three entrusted entities: the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), responsible for the creation of the first two ‘digital twins’ and the ‘Digital Twin Engine’, the European Space Agency (ESA) responsible for building the ‘Core Service Platform’, and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), responsible for the creation of the ‘Data Lake’.
We acknowledge the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking for awarding this project strategic access to the EuroHPC supercomputers LUMI, hosted by CSC (Finland), and the LUMI consortium, Marenostrum5, hosted by BSC (Spain) Leonardo, hosted by Cineca (Italy) and MeluXina, hosted by LuxProvide (Luxembourg) through a EuroHPC Special Access call.
More information about Destination Earth is on the Destination Earth website and the EU Commission website.
For more information about ECMWF’s role visit
For any questions related to the role of ECMWF in Destination Earth, please use the following email links: